The two CRY BABIES rant:
Grow up!
LEARN: Next time buy from DISCOUNT GOLD AND SILVER and MIDAS RESOURCES! Don't you listen to Bob Chapman tell you to 'buy with both hands'? How about Ted Anderson?
"Fascism, Fascism...!" says Celente. Well then have a nice PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATION with the HIPPIES in Jew York why don't you?
All of the sudden we hear about "Ann Barnhardt":
Are you reading The News UNIT?
I hope Sean (who is afraid to give his last name) interviews Ann Barnhardt. She probably wouldn't give you wimpy men the time of day. She would teach you all a hard lesson. The only woman with balls! :-) Where's yours? (And she is a blonde by the way which is entirely amazing to me...)
Remember Sean hates guns. Is he a closet gun control advocate?
Too bad this video was taken down here. Everybody is running scared these days of The Truth Movement. Who really are the Globalists? Let's see here:
Economic Hindu Guru Gerald Celente's Words of Wisdom:
Sean asks Gerald toward the end of PART 2:
"Gerald what can you leave us with? What are your last words of wisdom for us?"
The HINDU GURU Gerald Celente responds:
"Well, you know, there's this wonderful Hindu saying 'When the student's ready the teacher appears'......the people...have to find the truth within themselves....I have my own personal definition of hell..."
Not sure if Sean is a Hindu or a Buddhist? Go figure! Maybe they are both academy instructors for the Son's of Liberty Academy?
By the way Celente may not be entirely honest with his report on his money loss. Do you ever notice that he's the only one that keeps telling us he lost his money but he's likely getting it back with a short delay in processing? DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING THESE CONSPIRACY JUNKIES TELL YOU:
I said in my haste, All men [are] liars.
---PSALM 116.11
God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.
---ROMANS 3.4