Expansion of funding FORNICATION in America
Obama discusses contraceptive dope and all the political jangling with his administration and that of the FDA, the Justice Department, etc. on dealing with America's fornication problem through additional government funding and legislation:
![John Doe](https://gp5.googleusercontent.com/-tZONgEuuRAM/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/E9TXwuIhVWs/s48-c-k/photo.jpg)
You're children are safe, the government isn't going to push
sex into their thoughts, thats what all the 16 and pregnant shows are
for and all the jersey show shows you parents oh so love to watch.
Please, get fucking real. You want your daughter to be safe from
pregnancy AND independent of government aid, talk to them and maybe they
wont hate you and fear you when they're really in a fucked up
situation. Wake up America, you only allow as much power to the
government as you choose fit.