If this doesn't come to pass---AND IT WON'T---hopefully you will finally figure out that these people have nothing better to do than to stir everyone up and try to start a revolution. It should be obvious to any thinking person that these "Sons of Liberty" are nothing but "Anarchists" who want to overthrow the government with their ridiculous stacking of gold and silver. As if that's going to crash JPM, GS, WFC, BAC, C, USB, BK, and any other financial institutions including the FED, IMF and Central Banks, etc. I don't believe any of this below and chalk it up as nonsense:
From "The SGT Report": http://sgtreport.com/2012/06/alert-from-a-reader-blocked-zones-the-end-of-america/#more-71205
This guy is over the edge with this stuff and he's going to get Gary Yantis all stirred up with this too---I hope not. Quit playing the fool guys and watch your silver test $18.50 by Friday close. After that it goes down below $15.00 by ELECTION DAY and it will likely hit below $9.00 at some point here and may end up staying there for the next 30 years.
Notice in the Mike W. letter concerning the alleged General who is under the President that you can only survive in high mountainous elevations where it is cold and you are told to buy gold and silver because it's the only money there will be. Do you suppose you will trade gold and silver with anyone in a hide out survival mode from a large military movement such as this? Get real people!
I actually hope it does happen though because---well---just because! I'm sick of hearing about it I guess I feel either "put up or shut up". The only truth in that letter was to "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ". You can actually wipe your ass with gold, silver, and fiat money. But use silver because it kills germs and you can reuse it again. (Now there's a good reason to buy say a 5 or 10 ounce bar for a good ass wipe.)
And by the way when the 3 1/2 years begin; The News UNIT will be gone and no more posting for sure. I'll be with Christ and whoever else is in Christ Jesus by then. Praise God! The scenario is coming but not necessarily in 5 years. It may be 5 weeks or days. And it's not according to this letter how it happens. It will happen according to the word of God not according to Mike W. and Sergent B.S. and Company Squadron.
from SGTreport reader Mike W.
June 26, 2012:
Dear SGT, I just talked to a fellow that astonished me. I don’t know what to think of what he told me. But here are my quick notes.
Today I had a conversation with a multi star General in the United States Marine Corps quite by accident. He has been in the Marines Combat Divisions 40 years and is still on active duty. It occurred in a noisy restaurant and I often had to repeat the questions to him. I had talked with him for quite awhile before I found out he was a General from the friends he was with. Absolutely no question he was the real deal. He was well built and very physical for his age. He said at one point in his career he had been commander over the Navy Seals. I have his phone number.
I told him my father was a sergeant in WWII. He said he led combat divisions in Viet Nam and captured Iraqi forces on the ground in that war. The conversation really started when I asked him about New World Order. His eyes literally opened wide and he stared at me. Remember, this conversation is taking place in Southern California, where he lives.
He says he has had hard copy instructions for last 10 years. Under direct instructions of the Presidential command. He had taken part in drills for closure and had the field manuals for carrying it out. He said he has authority over the police. Each man for himself in blocked off zones. Military may take your food and everything else you don’t hide. The military may even come into your home. He said you need guns and claimed the only safe place is in high mountain ranges. People will need to survive off the land.
I asked him about food and water. He said, “Nothing goes in or out.” I asked him the same question twice more and got exact same answer. He said it is every man for themselves. I told him the Marines wouldn’t do that, they have family here. He said they would indeed do it. He said most military have no idea about this and seemed to infer they were not that smart. They will follow orders he said (and I assume he will too.) It sounded like these people were trained to kill, not to think. He mentioned it might take up to ten years for this to happen, but when I pinned him down he said within 5 years. Since he might retire soon he said he definitely did not want to be here when this happens. He said they can come in your house and take everything. The General said the only safe place was the Rockies and up where it was cold.
He said he was retiring soon and didn’t intend to be around when all this goes down. I asked him over and over who was doing this. Satanists (Freemasons), Rothchilds, etc. He would not answer this question, but he knew.
I am writing this down quick so I remember correctly. Major problem is that I inferred from him that you might live the first 3 1/2 years, but after that there seemed to be little hope. Had I not talked directly with this fellow in person, I would never have believed it. I kept asking him, Are you sure? He answered ‘positive’ every time. He said for 3 1/2 years this tribulation could go on. He was an extremely religious Christian (and 3 1/2 years is mentioned in the Bible.) So, I assume he doesn’t really know? For 3 more years after it would get worse. (Bible again ?) Many times I asked him how to survive this period and many times he said, “accept Jesus as your saviour”. He kept saying to me each time, “you don’t understand”. Until, I realized he was saying this was the end.
There was no escape in the end. Get ready to meet your maker.
Again, he said most military people are uniformed AND WOULD FOLLOW ORDERS TO SAVE THEMSELVES. He mentioned he thought this would all go down some time within the next 5 years. He said you must buy gold and silver (as he is doing) and HOLD IT no matter what the price it is. DO NOT SELL IT.
He said, “You can wipe your ass with paper money, only gold and silver will be money.” And, said he had been collecting silver for 30 years. He said buy American gold Buffalos because they were 24-carat gold. For some reason pure gold seemed important to him. I asked if they could confiscate gold and silver. He said, “If they did it before, they will do it again and give you 15 cents on the dollar.”
He said only 1/10 of the gold is left in Fort Knox, but also said the government has the gold somewhere else. World governments will use the gold when the fiat currencies collaspe, which he knew would happen. He told me the pallet count in Fort Knox, but I couldn’t quite hear him. But, for sure he said only 1/10th in there now.
I asked him if he got this stuff from church. He said he had never heard anything about this in church. He said it was all from 40 years in the government. The General was an extremely nice fellow (for being a stone cold killer). I am not so sure I want to see him again. But, I am sure my curiosity will get the best of me. Remember, he is one of “Them”. That’s something I have to remember.
I am literally shocked and stunned. I have absoltely no idea if he is correct or not about any of this. But, I verified that he was a high ranking General, there’s on question about it. I hope to God he is not right. This all seems so impossible to believe. I keep saying to myself, this is impossible. Why would anyone want to do this? There has to be a motive. Maybe I will wake up from this bad dream.
My mind absolutely refuses to believe this could be possible. But, then I remember Congress passed NDAA and overturned Posse comitatus.