Wednesday, March 7, 2012

There is no such thing as investing

I titled this post above THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS INVESTING as Mr. Rawdoglet rants a bit about trading gold and silver and he essentially reveals how that gold and silver are not necessarily a hedge or "safe haven" anymore.  What you need to do is "trade around your core position" basically.  

Raw Dog was also attacked like Cory C. for voicing his opinions (of free speech and expression) about silver and even responding to mouthy YOU TUBE COMMENTS left on his channel along the way.  These people like SGTbull07 and his cronies seem to think they can control people's lives on YOU TUBE.  They will be finding out different.  And if they want YOU TUBE all to themselves they can actually have it as far as I'm concerned. 

SILVER:  I don't know where it's going but I'm 100% convinced as stated above that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS INVESTING in this current crippled economy.  And Obama and his administration along with Congress seems to be doing everything in their power to basically KEEP AMERICA IN CRISIS either way you look at it: